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Wireless Communications Laboratory




B.E.: ’92,    M.E.: ’94,  Ph.D.: ’97, All from KEIO University,

Yokohama, JAPAN


  1. IEICE

  2. IEEE

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  1. Publications List

  2. Teaching



Professor, Ph.D.

Information & Communication Systems Group,

Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Information Engineering,

Graduate School of Engineering,

Toyohashi University of Technology

(c) Hideyuki Uehara

Research Interests

  1. 箇条書き項目Wireless Access Protocol

  2. 箇条書き項目Wireless Multi-hop Communications

  3. 箇条書き項目Sensor Networks


  1. 箇条書き項目1997 -  Research Associate, Dept. of Info & Comp Sci, Toyohashi Tech.

  2. 箇条書き項目2002 - Assistant Professor

  3. 箇条書き項目  2002 - 2003 Visiting Researcher at ATR Adaptive Communication  Lab.

  4. 箇条書き項目2004 - Associate Professor

  5. 箇条書き項目2006-  Assoc. Prof., Research Center for Future Vehicle, Toyohashi Tech.

  6. 箇条書き項目2010-  Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Elec and Electro Info Eng., Toyohashi Tech.

  7. 箇条書き項目2012-  Full Professor